Welcome to my web space

On my website I show a little of each project I have done
My experience is varied, with:
* 10 years as Senior Networks Engineer
* 5 years as a C++, PHP, Javascript & Python Developer
* And the last 10 years as SRE, implementing the DEVOPS culture into the companies and projects that I have carried out

Github REPO

My interests

This is a list of my interests, and from which I never stop learning.

Python Development

Script and development with the agility offered by python.

Web development

Using the latest frameworks, such as bootstrap or django


Using language and pattern recognition system, a lot of useful information can be obtained and generated.

Informatic Security

Always a bit of security is good, studying about firewalls, encryption and passwords


The devops culture helps us automate our entire environment, from deployments, tests and functionalities, to make our day to day easier.

Micro Controllers

A passion, being able to mix programming and electronics, in a single device.


My developments:

  • RentaCar web & administracion en PHP + MYSQL LINK
  • Covid, population registry and GPS situation (DEMO for town hall) with PHP + SQLITE LINK
  • Private Docker Registry LINK , Personal S3 Bucket LINK
  • Qr generator LINK, Password Generator LINK, MyIP GEO (Need token) LINK
  • Carpinteria López WEB STATIC with contact form LINK
  • DJANGO web, framework PYTHON with DB Posgress LINK
  • IAbalear Web Page in PHP that use DB Mysql LINK

All encapsulated in Docker, and deployed with the help of GITHUB Action, on two redundant Kubernetes servers. With automatic SSL certificate management, through the use of CertificateManager and LetSencrypt


My blogs, youtube channel and published books

  • My Youtube channel LINK
  • My various projects blog LINK
  • My microcontroller project blog LINK
  • My books published on Apple Books LINK
  • My books published on Amazon LINK


My books published on Amazon and Apple Books

Amazon books


If you need to contact us here we leave you all possible ways.


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Postal Code 07180

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Working Hours

Mon - Fri: 9AM to 5PM
Sunday: 9AM to 1PM

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